May 14th, 2016 Foxwood Village participated in the S.T.O.P Program

Joe Graham organized and coordinated this event and Peter loaned Joe a truck; Joe was able to get assistance from Jerry Dolson and Bob Boswell and they scoured the community on Saturday May 14th picking up pollutants from the residents to bring to the Town to be disposed of properly. Thank you men for a great Job done. Our ECO system thanks you Too! Thank you to all the residents who participated and help save the ecology for the future of our children and grandchildren.


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This year New Years Day was rung in a new style. It was arranged and run by a committee appointed by the HOA. The committee was headed up by Cathy Hannon and consisted of Ellen Spina, Angela Peccoraro, Eileen Moylan, Bill Ingrassia, June Dolson and Jenny Magiapane. The food was catered by D&L Catering and music was provided by Katie Hand. The committee is grateful to Bill & Barbara Austin, Joe Spano, Carlo Peccoraro, Jim Hannon, Mike Moylan, Art & Tom VanRiper, Flo Chase, Joan Matsik and Denis Joyce who came out New Years Eve morning to help set up and decorate. With the many hands it made the work easy. The committee appreciated how everyone pitched in at the end of the night to clean up so that all got home to rest at a decent hour. Fifty residents in the community joined in the celebration and experienced a wonderful evening. Congratulations to all the winners of the games. We look forward to seeing everyone next year.

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Every one gathered around waiting for the Ball to Drop in Times SquareIMG_8341IMG_8342IMG_8345IMG_8346

Happy New Year 2016 Foxwood Village. Health, Happiness and Prosperity is our wish to all.

Pictures by Ellen Spina

Foxwood “Village Carolers”

On December 22, 2015 The 2nd Annual Foxwood “Village Carolers” took to the streets. This year a few new Carolers joined in. Maybe each year more will get into the swing and join the “Carolers” as they spread their Christmas Cheer around the community. Afterwards they warmed by the clubhouse fire with some Hot Cocoa. (Cathy Hannon stayed back at the Clubhouse to have the Hot Cocoa ready)

Marilyn and Joe welcomed the Carolers into their home and spread their own cheer and joined in the singing with them.

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Pictures courtesy of Marilyn Hamilton and Joe LaGennusa

Atlantic City Trip November 16-17, 2015

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Atlantic City was another good trip; Thanks Artie. Everyone enjoyed a nice trip to the Tropicana Hotel which included a great Buffet, fun times and as always the comps. The following day we enjoyed a new comp from the Resorts hotel; more fun and nice weather. Before going home many travelers gathered at Dunkin Donuts before we left. Marilyn and Joe bought donuts to share with everyone on the ride home. Later as we set home for Long Island we enjoyed a Terry Fador Video.

Pictures by Marilyn Hamilton and Joe LaGennusa