1st Ever Plastic Bottle Boat Race July 14, 2024

The First Ever Foxwood Village Plastic Bottle Boat Race

Held on July 14, 2024

The 3 Entries were Jim Hannon, Dominick Capobianco and Dennis Proven

Photos courtesy of Ellen Spina

Dominick won for the fastest boat and best design, Jim’s boat came in second in the race and Dennis took home the peoples Choice award.

You can watch the Live Videos of each race by clicking on each of the links below:

Jim                                     https://youtu.be/96QieBedLpc

Dominick    https://youtube.com/shorts/xc5KEKa7vVI?

Dennis        https://youtube.com/shorts/LNodn_JrnBM?

I want to thank all the particpants and the many residents who came to watch and cheer the men on. It was a fun afternoon community event.

Watch for more Information in the future for next years event!

Plastic Bottle Boat Race July 14th

Information about a summer event to be held in the Community pool. Work alone or as a team. The event requires no physical endurance, just a little creativity and hopes of having some fun. To learn more click on link below. Also watch the video to see how easy it is.

Click the link for more information on how to participate

Plastic Boat Race July 14,2024

Click this link to see a boat race

Actual Boat in water