2018 Community Trip To Pigeon Forge, TN

Monday April 30th, Pat (AKA The Mad Hatter) picked up residents at Foxwood’s






Tuesday we stopped at the AJ Bush Factory

Lunch at the Bush Cafe

Tuesday Evening at The HIT PARADE Show An attraction in Town

Wednesday Off to the Smokey’s
The site of the 2017 Fire

Next we stopped in Gatlinburg


Then off to the Hatfield McCoy Dinner Feud


Meet Bigem

Later; off to the OPRY


Thursday Morning Breakfast at the HotelThen off to the Darren Romeo Musical Magic Then off to the Pigeon Forge IslandMany had Lunch at Margaritaville

That evening The Soul of Motown Show Friday before heading home a tout of the Titanic Museum

                Photos courtesy of the Recreation Committee (Tom Rossi and Jim Hannon) and supplemented by Paul Spina

4th Annual Cookie Exchange Held 12/18/17

The 4th Annual cookie exchange was a YUMMY Success. Thanks to all the participants who shared their scumptious treats…

Becky Beckert – Pistachio Cranberry Ice Box Cookies & Apricot Gems      Chris Schmitt Boswell-  Pecan Cinnamon Gems & Brownie cookies         Karen Boswell – Suprise Kisses                                                                                    Kate Joyce- Toll House Cookies & Maple Walnut cookies & half moon butter crescents                                                                                                                                      Cathy Hannon- Russian Tea Cookies &  Apricots Gems- ( I think there was another – the cookie monsters at the house scoffed them down before I could write up a list ) – They must have been Great.                                                Jeanne Paff- Flourless Chocolate Peanut butter                                                            & myself – Katie Hand Briceno- Peanut Butter Snowballs

Thank you Ladies for making the cookie exchange a success and something that my family and guest look forward to every year.

Happy Baking & See you around the neighborhood. Best wishes for a happy & healthy 2018.


Katie .

3rd Annual Christmas Caroling in Foxwood

Sunday December 10, 2017 Ellen Spina again organized a group of Merry Residents to spread holiday yuletide in the community. Each year a few more residents show up and a few more doors open. Next year the goal will be to get many more carolers and many more to enjoy the sounds.

Pictured Above: Karen Boswell, Paul Spina, Ellen,Carolyn Smith, Bill Ingrassia, Joan Matzik, Denis Joyce and Quigley

Along the Trail, we were welcomed into the home of Marilyn Hamilton and Joe LaGennusa for some Christmas Cheer and a sing along

                   Genealogy Club Christmas Party at Birchwood Restaurant 2017

Members: Margaret Fortunato, Carol Proven, Arline Galasso, Anne Marcotrigiano, 
Angela Pecoraro, Sandy Gillam, Carolee Olsen, Diane Copobianco,and Paula Buccellato.
Members not in photo:  Barbara Padula, Phyllis Becker, Joy Clifford, and Lynn Tyler.
Anyone wishing to find their roots or start a legacy can stop in to see what we are all about. 
Contact:      Carol #20.  We meet 2nd Wednesday of month at 2:00 PM at clubhouse.