Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers, Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers

This Mothers Day will be different from any you have experienced before. With social distancing, you might feel a little sad not being able to see your families on this special day.

Technology can help!

If you already have video devices like the Echo Show or Facebook Portal, you are already connected but for others there are easy ways to get connected and best of all they are free.

Another extremely easy form of video communication which can be used with multiple members at the same time is FACETIME. However, this feature is only available to IPHONE Users

For everyone else, here are some suggestions:

  1. MESSENGER: If you are on Facebook, you can use Messenger. Messenger allow you to have multiple people on at the same time. You or your family can host your entire family at one time and give you the feeling to be all together. ( If you want more information go to https://www.facebook.com/help/messenger-app/1673374996287506/ for help)
  2. ZOOM: Another free service that can be used for up to 100 people at one time is ZOOM. Only one person has to sign up for Zoom and can invite everyone else to join in. ( If you want more information about Zoom, Go to https://zoom.us/home?zcid=2478 )
  3. SKYPE is another excellent way to communicate. Skype can only be used to communicate with one person at a time but it is an easy set up as most computers have the application built in. ( GO to https://www.skype.com/en/ )



Any of these above can be used on a computer , Laptop, Tablel or Ipad. You will need to have a camera and microphone installed. Many desktop computers do not but can be added.


If you need any further information, you can send an email to the webmaster at: webmasterfvhoa@hotmail.com