New Security Added to Google

If you use a pc or any computer, tablet, smartphone that uses the GOOGLE APP (which I highly recommend) there is a new feature you may be unaware of.

Websites that require users to use passwords for access or transact money using credit or debit cards for buying or selling are supposed to have an SSL certificate. This certificate promises that their site is safe to use. 

How do you know if one of these types of sites are secure? You look on the search bar that you typed to find the site you are looking for. In the left side before the site name or HTTP:/ or www. there should be a padlock indicating secure. If it is a “i with a circle around it it is not secure”

see below:

You will also note that sites like ours is also not marked secure. SSL Certificates cost as they are Licenses and must be renewed. Since we have no secure information be transferred or money being collected; we do not need a SSL Certificate. There are many such sites like this. Sites that need them but don’t have one; you can still look for ideas to buy from but be careful before entering any secure data.

Examples of sites that have sensitive data and should be secure: Any Doctor, Hospital, pharmacy, online retail, charity,Insurance, Bank, schools, Churches,credit cards,investments,social security, IRS,all tax prep companies, cell phone co., cable co. and the list can go on.