We live in a Musical Community

Our traffic situation has become troublesome. We have a 15mph speed limit yet many of our residents and guests drive much faster than the speed limit. We have many walkers and at times children who ride bicycles in the street. Nothing can be so important to get to, to risk hurting a neighbor or neighbors grand child. Don’t rush; plan your schedule and leave enough time. So!!

“Slow down, you move to fast…” make sure you see the walkers and children playing

In our community we have many” long and winding roads..” so you may not see a driver or walker coming out of the fork and they may not see you.

So if your not sure about an intersection; “stop in the…” belief that it is better to be safe than sorry.

It is not a race so every car, truck, scooter, golf cart, biker etc needs to remember no matter who has the right away, a vehicle is stronger than a pedestrian, a truck more than a car; etc. Don’t be the one who is known as“here I come again…catch me if you can…” Were all a little bit too old for these games.

A corny but true statement: “the life you save may be your own!”